The electric cigarette consists of three components; the battery, the cartridge and the atomizer, which vaporizes liquid nicotine. There are several versions of the electric cigarette. There are versions that look similar to traditional tobacco cigarettes, pen style, pipes, screwdrivers, cigars, and even one that looks somewhat like a harmonica.

The battery life varies from model to model, however, the longer the electric cigarette, the longer the battery, and battery life. There are also models that will connect to your USB drive on your computer, as well as USB adapters, allowing you to use your electric cigarette, without running down battery.

When you are converting from "analog" or traditional tobacco cigarettes, to the electric cigarettes, you will need to consider your current nicotine intake. This will help you in deciding which strength liquid nicotine you should purchase. The liquid nicotine is available in several strengths, as well as flavors. You can go with the traditional Marlboro and Camel cigarette flavors, however, you can also choose the flavor of your nicotine vapor. You are no longer trapped in the stale tobacco flavor world. You can now get your nicotine fix, with the flavors of strawberry, cherry, peach, butterscotch, banana, apple, watermelon, even peanut butter! If you prefer, you also have the option of no flavor at all. The only thing you need is the nicotine, it really doesn't matter what flavor it's delivered in.

A great advantage of the electric cigarette over the traditional "analog" tobacco cigarettes, is the price. The price of a 30ml of the liquid nicotine is approximately twenty dollars. This bottle will make up to fifty cartridges, which equates to between twenty-five, and fifty packs of cigarettes tobacco vape juice, depending on the strength and frequency of you using your electric cigarette. Even on the low end, of twenty five packs of cigarettes, that is a huge savings e-cigarette juice, when you consider that a carton of ten packs of name brand traditional cigarettes is now at least thirty five dollars, and continuing to rise.

This is also a great way to cut down on your nicotine addiction, as you can control the nicotine intake by making your own cartridges. Of the many advantages of the electric cigarette, by far, the best is that you can "vapor" anywhere. There are currently no laws against electric cigarettes in the UNITES STATES, however they are currently under review by the FDA.

For more information on electronic cigarettes, visit

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18 Aug 2015